Saturday, 27 September 2014

All By Myself...

All By Myself...

My honest thoughts of travelling completely alone... I loved every minute of it! Ok that's a tiny lie and there was one moment in the whole trip that I got a little sad.

Last night when I was sitting on the beach enjoying a nice Chang under the moonlight, I thought about Dean. It made me sad that he never got to experience even half of the things I have.

I know that was completely his choice but it's still so sad. Those of you that knew Dean, know that he was very opinionated. I know such a shock! I don't even know whether he would have wanted to visit Thailand as there were so many places he said he wouldn't want to visit.

But just sitting there under the stars made me realise that he set me free. Whether that was his intention or not, I'll never know but in a very messed up way, I thank him for it.

Before I left for my trip, I was a little apprehensive about being on my own for so long but it worked out so well. I knew someone who was in Hong Kong for business so we were able to go to dinner one night and hang out.

Then with the joys of modern technology, I've been in contact with my lovely friends and family. I've always had someone to talk to. The mornings were a little quiet due to the time difference but I always woke up to a few messages.

I was a bit worried that I would have too much time to think about things and analysis but I really haven't. I've had a little think about the house and had a look at new houses to buy. It's an exciting time for me. A few have said its a new beginning and I guess it is.

It feels like my life has completely flipped on its head in the past few years so new beginnings have happened quite a lot but I guess moving house will be a fresh chapter, I know it will be really positive for me.

Being on my own has made me so thankful for the incredible people in my life. My family are brilliant. We all moan about our families but mine have been brilliant and supportive with everything I've done, even if they didn't agree with my decisions at the time.

And my friends are fab! I share may too much with them sometimes but they are so cool. It's nice going home to my lovely house mates and not to an empty house.

Travelling alone allowed me to do whatever I wanted, when I wanted. That sounds selfish but it was great. I woke up when I wanted (usually 20 minutes before breakfast ended) and afternoon naps are the best.

My only slight annoyance sometimes was taking pictures, I am not a selfie stick pro. I think I need more practise. I also felt like the loser sometimes that had to take her own pictures. I did occasionally ask someone to take a picture for me, that I found less embarrassing than using the damn stick.

Am I planning to travel alone again? No. I bloody hope by the time I go way again, it will be with someone else. Whether that's with friends or a hot new guy (I can dream...) that will be great.

But if there isn't anyone to travel with, I will definitely go alone. I would much rather travel alone than not travel at all.

I've had an amazing time and I'm so excited to be starting the next chapter in my life. 

Thoughts on Koh Samui

So my thoughts on Koh Samui can be summed up in one very descriptive word "Tots Amazeballs". I had to get that word in somewhere ;)

From the moment I arrived on the island, I was in love. Even the airport was one of the cutest, tropical airports I've visited and how can you not been impressed with 'free wifi'. 

Chaweng Beach area is very busy. The main 'strip' has a variety of fancy restaurants, street stalls selling food, plenty of shops selling good 'fake' goods and also some shops selling the real brands. Not to mention the array of bars!

Now that was the main strip along the road, the beach is also lined with plenty of bars and restaurants. There were so many romantic tablets set up along the beach for dinner. The first night I wanted to eat on the beach and I opted for the least romantic looking one, plastic chairs and no silk canopy was a winner.

Although each time I sat down and asked for a table for one, the look generally was 'really for one?' I got used to it. It did bug me occasional when they asked 'why?' but the 'I got dumped' line tend to do the trick... I even got a free cocktail once- winner!

I was a big fan of Ark Bar. It was right on the beach and had a great DJ and vibe to it. It was pretty quite to start with but after 11pm, the party really started.

Ark is where I met a new friend, Or. That's actually his name! A cool Officer in the Army from Israel. My ignorance of Israel was very evident, especially when I said he was a trained killer, he didn't take too kindly to that. However, it was really nice meeting new people and leaning more about a coy try I knew very little about.

I learnt it was there New Years holiday in Israel, hence why there are so many people from Israel. I also learnt that military service is compulsory, that even includes the girls. There were a group of younger girls and guys on the able next to us on the first night doing lots of silly dares, the girl started talking to me and Or explained that they were going to try and include me in their game, I think it was to kiss a girl, so he started talking to me in French. I don't think they had realised he was from Israel.

It's been so easy chatting to people and I honestly haven't felt lonely at all, how could you in such a beautiful place?

I didn't explore Samui as much as I could have. I did do a boat trip which included kayaking, hiking and snorkelling. The kayaking was fun and because I was on my own, I got paired with the guide. It was really good as he took lots of pictures for me and knew the best places to go.

We took some very steep steps to the Emerald Lake. It was very beautiful but the stairs were pretty scary, so steep. I was wearing flip flops and just had visions of falling.

When we got to the snorkelling spot, I was pretty disappointed that it was off the beach. I didn't see anything at all! I've been really spoilt with snorkelling before. In St. Vincent in March this year, we saw so much whilst snorkelling from lion fish to honeycomb eels. 

The best part of the boat trip was jumping off the boat. I jumped from the middle, which was still pretty high, and a screamed the whole was down. It was so much fun! I could jump from the top as I would've been so scared!

Something that bothered me a lot whilst out on the boat was seeing five/six military ships on the horizon. I'd spotted one in the port and that was intimidating but actually seeing them lined up with their massive guns were pretty unnerving. 

You can see there has been a hostile situation in Thailand of late but the locals really do just try and get on with it. They are very religious people but they do not through this in your face. They also work incredibly hard and are thankful for tips. 

I loved Samui and I'll definitely return to Thailand at some point but I'd love to explore some more of the mainland and the islands. It's shocking to say I didn't visit one Temple. I would like to learn more about the Thai culture. Hopefully upon my return I'll have a travel companion, one that isn't a rubber Ducky!

Wednesday, 24 September 2014

30 by 30

So I've decided I want to visit thirty countries by the time I'm thirty. I can't believe I'll be thirty in 21 months- god I'm old!!

Anyway, so I'm actually on country twenty-nine now so I'm pretty sure I'm on target. 

Some of the countries I'd love to visit are Germany, Ireland, Maldives, South Africa... In fact, anywhere in Africa with the amazing wildlife.

I thought it would be nice to share the countries I've already visited, and a little highlight of mine from there. So in no particular order (other than alphabetical);

1. Belgium: Eating yummy mussels in Brussels (standard!)

2. Belize: Best place ever! Snorkelling with nurse sharks, sting rays and turtles. Drinking wine from a carton in the sea. Showing the locals my pole moves. Skinny dipping in the sea under the moonlight with about five girls and one guy (poor James).

3. Brazil: The most amazing birthday lunch at Porcao Rio's restaurant, overlooking Sugarloaf mountain. Going to a nightclub near the cable cart to Sugarloaf until 6am on the day of my flight home. Spending time with my TT.

4. Cambodia: Spending time with the local children and dancing to  'Gangman style' with them. Seeing beautiful Angkor Wat at sunrise and the majestic horse running running around.

5. Canada: Skiing part of the men's Olympic black run. Wandering around Banff town and loving the Spaghetti factory. Doing the tubbing on Sunshine village. 

6. China: Seeing the Hong Kong skyline at night for the first time. Nice glass of wine on the rooftop bar looking out over the city.

7. Costa Rica: Cuddling the gorgeous howler monkeys. Being in the sea at night when it was thunder and lightening (before I was scared of it !?!?). Doing the Superman zip line. Making some incredible friends. Surfing for the first time and loving it!

8. Cuba: Driving a speed boat. Spending time in the gorgeous sea doing aqua aerobics. 

9. Cyprus: Dad being an idiot and embarrassing me at the hotel. Seeing the Tomb of the Kings with my parents.

10. Czech Republic: Exploring the city alone, definitely needed to escape (run away). Seeing the lovely clock tower. Amazing hot stone massage.

11. Dominican Republic: Swimming with the dolphins. Visiting the scenery of where Jarassic Park was filmed. Amazing 18th birthday.

12. Egypt: Fantastic diving in Hugarda. Horse riding in the dessert and along the beach for my 21st birthday. 

13. Ecuador: The sealion playing with me in the sea, swimming to the bottom then coming so close to my face I squealed and it loved the bubbles I made. Seeing all of the amazing landscape in The Galapogas Islands and the beautiful sky.

14. France: Looking out of the bathroom window and seeing the incredible Pyrenees mountains. Enjoying all the great food and wine. The beautiful church near the house.

15. Greece: Relaxing in the amazing heat at the lovely resort. Having fun at the water park. I think I can definitely add to this one in August next year!

16. Guatemala: Sitting in Antigua square watching all the romantic couples go by. Visiting the Tikal ruins. Swimming in the lakes in Flores.

17. Holland: Exploring Amsterdam. The cruise and seeing the seven bridges. Learning more about Ann Frank in the museum. 

18. Italy: Seeing the Leaning Tower of Pisa. Enjoying the gorgeous food and wine whilst looking out over the sea.

19. Malta: Very young holiday romance! Making a fab friend (Jo Jo). Laughing at how bad the hotel was! The women at reception running scared when Dad dropped the cockroach on her desk.

20. Mexico: Swimming with the dolphins and huge fish. The gorgeous snorkelling around the 'Island of Women'. The gorgeous resort of El Dorado Royal and the swim up suite.  

21. Peru: Completing the incredible Inca Trail and managing not to throw Tazar 1, 2 and/or 3 over the edge! Seeing Machupicchu once the mist cleared after sunrise. Looking out over the rough sea in Lima and seeing all the surfers whilst drinking a Pisco Sour.

22. Portugal: Being thrown around the dance floor by the massive pole dancing black guy. Teaching the girls how to play 'Game of Fives'. 

23. Spain: Dad waking himself up by snoring on the beach. Nice holidays with my parents. Taking advantage of the all inclusive alcohol when I was about 14.

24. St. Vincent: Sitting on the sea bed watching the black seahorse whilst scuba diving. Being in the sea watching the local wedding. Seeing the dolphins on the sunset cruise. Playing tennis really badly after talking up my game.

25. Switzerland: Skiing from Switzerland over into France. Enjoying the mulled wine.

26. Thailand: Stroking the tigers. Laying on the big tiger (and it not eating me!). Riding and bathing the elephants. Meeting cool people.

27. Tunisia: Dad saving me from being snatched in the market!! The beautiful Hammamet beach. Spending time with my family. Uncle Terry in his traditional outfit.

28. USA: There are so many cool things I experienced in USA. One was the helicopter ride over the Grand Canon. Also my first crazy night out in Las Vegas and insisting we went to a strip club (we never went boo prudish girls!). Or maybe going on my Uncle Terry's favourite ride in Disney "It's a small world after all...". And of course, the shopping in NYC! Oh and being an 'extra' in Breaking Amish whilst in LA.

29. Vietnam: Exploring beautiful Hoi An. Riding a water buffalo. The motorbike tour through the lovely countryside. 

I've really had some incredible experiences so far and I can not wait for my future travel adventures.

Tuesday, 23 September 2014

Night Safari, Chiang Mai

Night safari.

Last night I went to the night safari in Chiang Mai. Because I have been having such amazing experiences with the animals attractions here, I thought the night safari would be fun but sadly it wasn't.

The actual concept of the night safari seemed good. There were various shows such as the Lunna Dancers, Water Fountain and Tiger Show.

The dancers were very beautiful but they only did three dances, it would have been nice to see more.

The fountains were good, lovely colours but it was the Tiger Show that made this place awful.

It was like a circus show. Seven large tigers entered the arena with three 'keepers' dressed in spandex pants and silky shirts (that says it all really!).

The tigers were told to sit on a podium each but as they jumped up to sit, most were either falling off the other side or their front paws were on the floor. You could see they were clearly drugged as they were all over the place.

One tiger didn't want to follow the instructions and kept getting down, his 'keeper' kept waving this metal skewer in front of his face and the tiger kept flinching.

Tigers are supposed to be these fearless beasts of nature but these poor tigers were scared and drugged up.

The whole show was a complete joke. You could see how sad they were but the mindless idiots in the audience were clapping and cheering away.

I love animals and although I know they should be in their natural environment, I also know that isn't always possible. Seeing how happy and playful the tigers were in Tiger Kingdom was such a horrendous difference to the Night Safari.

After leaving the tiger show, we were shown to a place whe two tigers were kept in small cages waiting for the tourist to take pictures. The cages were so small and when the keeper went to stroke one, it was acting like a littlempussy cat. Rubbing it's ears and face in the keeper.

The instructions in Tiger Kingdom were not to tough the tigers face or stand in front of them. This is obviously but they are still wild beasts. But sadly these tigers have been domesticated far too much.

The actual tram ride around the safari park was ok. There were a large variety of animals such as bears, elephants, deers and zebras. It was great to feed the zebras as they got so close to me. You're not supposed to feed them by hand as they bite.

It really felt like the animals were there more to put on a performance than be normal animals. When we stopped at the elephants, the driver said to the elephant to wave his trunk at us and when we stopped at the bears, the drivers said stand and a bear stood up.

Overall, I wouldn't recommend people to visit this park. There are some incredible animals there but sadly they have been domesticated too much.

Sunday, 21 September 2014

Baanchang Elephant Park

Baanchang Elephant Park.

My time in Chiang Mai is focused on animals. Everyone who knows me, knows how much I care about animals and how I love to interact with them.

The tigers yesterday were amazing so today I learned all about the Asian elephants. Ok, I learnt very little but what I do know is the Baanchang elephant park are incredible, full of people who care a lot for the animals whilst making a living.

After arriving at the park to see maybe 20-30 elephants chained up, I thought what the hell is going on here. But each elephant had someone next to them, always.

We learnt that they need to be chained up, otherwise they may destroy the local villages. The local people work very hard and the elephant park tries to support the local community by buying the bananas and sugar canes from them so it's important the elephants don't ruin the local area.

The elephants go for a morning walk with the keepers, afternoon walks with the tourist and another walking with the keepers in the evening. They also eats lots during the day.

We learnt they can eat around 200kg of food a day and drink over 100litres of water. They also only sleep for around four hours. When they feel safe, they will lay down to sleep.

We also learn that the whole cartoon comic of an elephant being scared of the mouse, is true! They are generally very scared creatures until they learn what it is.

Our guide said that one day a lizard fell on the back of an elephant and she charged into the jungle with eight others following suit (hence the chains).

We fed the elephants some bananas and sugar cane. The females we were able to put the food directly into their mouths but the males we gave it to them on their trucks as they still have their tusks. 

They are greedy big things always wanting more. I tried to walk past a couple to feed the ones at the back and I was robbed of my bananas.

After feeding time we learnt some of the basic commands such as lay down (No long), forward (pbin), turn (qwick) and stop (how). But once your up I. The massive elephant, I forgot them all!

Because I was solo (and reminded several times) I got to ride an elephant all to myself. You ride right up on their necks. The chairs you sometimes see are really not good for their backs.

When we had a little break, my elephant decided it would be fun to dig the dirt and spray it all over her back so when I hopped (or got pushed up by a tiny man) I got very muddy.

I think my favourite part of he day was bathing the elephants. I hadn't realised we were going to do this so when we got into the water with the bucket and brush, it was so much fun.

I had hoped not to get too wet but my keeper had other ideas. I was soaked from the water. And sadly it wasn't just the water, the elephants liked to pee and poop in the water.

So far I've had three showers since we finished, I'm finally feeling clean.

I asked for recommendations as to which park to visit as I understand some of them do not always have the elephants best interests are heart but you could really see the keepers care about the elephants and are also able to earn a living.

The other people on the tour were all pretty lovely. So many of them are travelling around for months, it did make me consider whether I could get away with it again...

Tiger Kingdom

Tiger Kingdom

I arrived in Chiang Mai yesterday (Saturday) around mid day. After a short ride from the airport, I arrived at the lovely Kantry Hills hotel.

I decided to walk along the main strip to grab some lunch. Beef in oyster with vegetables and a drink came to about £2.20. I forgot how cheap things are here!

I saw a car driving past advertising Tiger Kingdom so I did want any solo tourist does... I hoped in the car with the strange man. Daddy always said never get in a car when a man offers sweeties, he didn't offer sweeties, so I figured I was ok.

The driver was actually really lovely and we have a very interest conversation in broken English. He was really surprised that I was travelling alone,  he said he wouldn't even go to Bangkok alone and that I was very brave.

When I arrived at Tiger Kingdom, I got to choose which size Tigers I wanted to see. I decided I wanted to spend time with the baby ones and the big tigers.

The baby ones were first up. After reading the safety instructions (and signing a waiver printed in Thai) I was allowed in the area. It was in two sections, the first section had three cubs about four months old.

They were sleeping a lot at first, I did wonder whether they had been 'drugged' but after speaking with the keeper, he explained that they play for a while then they sleep.

It was nice stroking and getting so close to them. They don't like their heads to be touched but they lied their bellies rubbed. I was told I was being to 'soft' with them so I petted them more firmly.

The next section had two even smaller cubs. These again were pretty sleepy but then woke up a bit. These were around two and half months old, and they were so adorable.

They all clearly trust the keeper as they allowed them to be pulled on their backs to the water bowl.

The keepers were really friendly and knew a lot about the cubs. They were also very nice and took lots of pictures for me so I could concentrate on spending time with the cubs (No selfie stick required).

Next up were the big tigers. When I say big, I mean absolutely massive!! There was no cute play pen for them. There was double chain gates and electric fences.

Straight away I sat with a big female. She was happily laying down and panting away. Next I was told to stand next to the pool, people were laugh but I assume they were happy... No they knew what was coming.

As I stood by the water, a tiger jumped off a ledge straight into the water completely soaking me. But looking at the picture, it was incredible. This massive tiger jumping high in the air behind me.

After that we went to see another large female, I stood behind her then all of a sudden she turned around and stared straight at me. I have never been so scared in my life (I was even more scared than I usually am with Mums driving!).

Somehow I managed to pretend to be calm and slowly back away to stand behind the keeper, yep I was hoping if anyone got eaten it would be the local dish first.

After my heart stopped beating so rapidly and I got my breathe back, I was able to stand behind the tiger and 'cuddle' her. I did ask the keeper if he was serious after how scared I was before but I guess it won't be often I get to cuddle a tiger.

I used to have quite strong opinions of these types of commercial places with the tigers or wild animals just being used as a tourist attraction but you could see how well kept they were and it appears the keepers really care.

The price to get in was crazy cheap, I think around £15. There were quite a few people there but I don't think it was unsafe with the numbers.

My only concern was one tiger that was locked in a relatively small cage. It was pacing back and forth and clearly wasn't very happy. I meant to ask someone about it but I forgot. Hopefully he isn't always in there.

I truly had such an amazing experience. I was supposed to be cuddling the tigers in Miami for my birthday this year (before being dumped lol) but I still managed to do it, just a few months later.

I find it absolutely incredible the experiences I have had. To think how sad I was three years ago, makes me really appreciate all I've got in life. And that's not the ability to travel, but actually my incredible friends and family. I love you all very much!! 

Friday, 19 September 2014

One word for Hong Kong... Wow!

My time in Hong Kong is sadly nearly up :-(

I really wasn't sure what to expect. I guess I expected it to be a bit like New York City, with all the sky scraper buildings and insane crowds but it hasn't been as hectic as I thought it would be.

I had a bit of a delay at the airport waiting for the transfers. It would have been so much easier to the the Airport express then the MTR but hindsight is a wonderful thing.

When I arrived at the hotel, I was very impressed! The grand entrance and the lights were amazing. The check in staff were really friendly but I was a little frustrated that my room was available straight away. A complimentary Pimms soon sorted that annoyance out.

I heard the rooms in Hong Kong would be small and although mine was a little, it wasn't too bad!

I decided to head out to Causeway for a little wander around and I'd also heard it was pretty good for shopping. I was staying on the street looking a little puzzled at my map, when a nice man said 'Its that way...' without me even saying where I was going. It turned out, he was correct!

For dinner I went to a chinese little canteen place off one of the streets and had a nice traditional beef and rice dish. It was pretty good although a little fatty. It hunk including my milky jasmine tea, it cost about £6.

My first full day, I decided to visit Big Buddha. Annoyingly it took over two hours to get there and the cable cart wasn't working, so I had to take a bus. The MTR (trains) system here is fantastic, it actually puts TFL to shame (not that they need any help).

The trains run so frequently, they are clean, air conditions, quiet and they cost so little. I've been hopping on and off the trains over the past few days, and it's cost me less that it costs me to get to and from work for one day!

I was really lucky that the weather was clear when I saw Big Buddha. It wasnt too busy but the steps to the top were pretty tough in the heat- well worth it though! 

I went for a little walk along the nature trail but I wasn't too comfortable walking through the woodland alone so I came back. On the way back, I saw the biggest spider ever in the tree above. I screamed so loud, the man behind me was really startled. I did apologise but it took me ages to walk under the tree.

In the evening, I met up with a friend for some dinner and drinks at Azure. Gordon Ramsey was hosting an event in the building for his Bread Street restaurant. I literally just missed him going into the building. The roof top bar was pretty cool and the white wine was even cooler.

Star ferry was on my 'to do' list but when I woke up, the smog had rolled in. The trip was good but the hazy skyline made my pictures a little fuzzy. Or that could be my poor photography skills?

It's been nice wandering around the parks but the heat is so intense. I found myself having to go into the shops, just so I could cool off... ;)

It's been ok so far being on my own. It was nice to have someone to hang out with one night, and thanks to What's App I can keep in contact with the people that matter (you know who you are!) so for thee that say you couldn't travel along, you should try it. 

The perks so far; 

- I can choose whatever place I want to go eat/drink
- I can star fish in my bed (although I do that anyway!)
- There's no time table. I can do as I please!
- I've got time to just take things in and think/reflect

Some people don't understand my passion for travelling but when you have the opportunity to see such amazing things and meet such great new people, what isn't there to like? Making memories is all worth the money... Unless I get altazimers that would suck! 

Thursday, 11 September 2014

Ready, set, go....

The new journey begins...

I'm off on another exciting journey soon and once again, all by myself (cue the song...)

I had originally booked to go to Hong Kong, Borneo and Bali with 'the ex' but when we split up, the trip had to be cancelled. Instead of missing out altogether on an amazing trip, I decided to adapt it to a less 'couples' place and swapped Borneo (no cuddling orangtages for me) and Bali (honeymoon central) for elephant rides in Chiang Mai and being a beach bum in Koh Samui.

Usually when I go 'travelling', I book onto organised tours. But I decided to throw away my backpack after my last trip. There gets a certain point in a women's life when she just doesn't want to wash out her knickers anymore in the sink of a crappy two star hotel.

I'm starting my trip in Hong Kong. I'll be spending three nights there and I have a rough idea of the places I'd like to visit. Definitely the Big Budda looks amazing. And now I have my amazing 'selfie stick' (thanks to my lovely housemate) I can take lots of cool pictures with the big dude (or it is dudette?).

There's a few cool bars I've been recommended to visit in Hong Kong so I'll definitely go to them. This will be a very new experience going into a nice bar/restaurant alone. I'm hoping I'll get speaking to some nice people whilst I'm there, if not there will be far too much reflection time.

Next stop is Chiang Mai. I hadn't heard of this place before but I wanted to see the elephants whilst in Thailand and it seems like this is one of the best places to go to see the elephants and even ride them through the jungle.

I know there is a lot of controversy regarding riding the elephants but I've done a lot of research and I even I spoke with my old tour guide from Thailand and she recommended a couple of good places that treat the elephants really well.

Annoyingly, this is going to be another one of the amazing experiences that I'll be doing alone. It used to bother me a lot but I've got to the point now that I realise how lucky I am to be visiting these incredible places and having these brilliant experiences that despite being alone, it's all worth it. No doubt in the future I'll be talking about my experiences with someone special. 

After Chiang Mai, I'll be heading to Koh Samui. It was difficult deciding whether to go to Koh Samui or Phuket but I was swayed with the prospect of the weather being better in Koh Samui. It'll be great to have a nice little Autumn tan.

The hotels I'll be staying in are all pretty cool. I do realise how much of a lucky girl I am to be going to these gorgeous places and being able to stay in nice places but isn't the saying 'Work hard and play harder...'

P.S Ducky is coming out of retirement and is really looking forward to using the new selfie stick!