Thursday, 11 September 2014

Ready, set, go....

The new journey begins...

I'm off on another exciting journey soon and once again, all by myself (cue the song...)

I had originally booked to go to Hong Kong, Borneo and Bali with 'the ex' but when we split up, the trip had to be cancelled. Instead of missing out altogether on an amazing trip, I decided to adapt it to a less 'couples' place and swapped Borneo (no cuddling orangtages for me) and Bali (honeymoon central) for elephant rides in Chiang Mai and being a beach bum in Koh Samui.

Usually when I go 'travelling', I book onto organised tours. But I decided to throw away my backpack after my last trip. There gets a certain point in a women's life when she just doesn't want to wash out her knickers anymore in the sink of a crappy two star hotel.

I'm starting my trip in Hong Kong. I'll be spending three nights there and I have a rough idea of the places I'd like to visit. Definitely the Big Budda looks amazing. And now I have my amazing 'selfie stick' (thanks to my lovely housemate) I can take lots of cool pictures with the big dude (or it is dudette?).

There's a few cool bars I've been recommended to visit in Hong Kong so I'll definitely go to them. This will be a very new experience going into a nice bar/restaurant alone. I'm hoping I'll get speaking to some nice people whilst I'm there, if not there will be far too much reflection time.

Next stop is Chiang Mai. I hadn't heard of this place before but I wanted to see the elephants whilst in Thailand and it seems like this is one of the best places to go to see the elephants and even ride them through the jungle.

I know there is a lot of controversy regarding riding the elephants but I've done a lot of research and I even I spoke with my old tour guide from Thailand and she recommended a couple of good places that treat the elephants really well.

Annoyingly, this is going to be another one of the amazing experiences that I'll be doing alone. It used to bother me a lot but I've got to the point now that I realise how lucky I am to be visiting these incredible places and having these brilliant experiences that despite being alone, it's all worth it. No doubt in the future I'll be talking about my experiences with someone special. 

After Chiang Mai, I'll be heading to Koh Samui. It was difficult deciding whether to go to Koh Samui or Phuket but I was swayed with the prospect of the weather being better in Koh Samui. It'll be great to have a nice little Autumn tan.

The hotels I'll be staying in are all pretty cool. I do realise how much of a lucky girl I am to be going to these gorgeous places and being able to stay in nice places but isn't the saying 'Work hard and play harder...'

P.S Ducky is coming out of retirement and is really looking forward to using the new selfie stick!

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